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Project "Binocular" is a platform for viewing and interacting with time-based visualizations of combined data from the version control (VCS), issue tracking (ITS), and continuous integration (CI) systems. This project aims to provide an entry point for exploratory analysis, to assist in increasing overall development productivity, and to help to understand correlations in software engineering data. The focus of this project is to provide a tool to (new) team members to get to know the code base in more, greater detail, to make the development process in general more transparent to all involved members.

Project "Binocular" is based on the principles and processes of the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) research area. MSR is a research area that focuses on extracting valuable information and knowledge from the vast amount of data stored in software repositories.

Key aspects of Project “Binocular” include:

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in the context of this project. If you are interested in this project and the following topics please contact: moc.dlrownull-osninull@nullrenbarg.nnnullahoj


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Hint: Order is not relevant, list is not exhaustive

Further Readings

As an inspiration for new visualization ideas, we suggest the following sites:

Additionally, the following article might be helpful in brainstorming own ideas:

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