Demo | Get Involved | Architecture | Further Readings

Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a research field that applies data mining, machine learning, and statistical techniques to educational data in order to better understand and improve learning processes and environments. In the context of a software engineering class, EDM can be utilized to analyze data collected from various sources such as student assignments, quizzes or exams. Mining Software Repositories (MSR) is a subfield of software engineering that focuses on analyzing the rich data stored in software repositories, such as version control systems. In the context of a software engineering class, MSR techniques can be applied to study how students engage with the software development process, understand their programming behaviors, identify common issues faced during coding tasks, and assess the effectiveness of teaching methodologies and assignments.

Education Intelligence (EI) is a concept derived from Business Intelligence (BI) principles and methodologies, tailored specifically to the (software engineering) education area. Just as BI aims to gather, analyze, and interpret business data to inform decision-making, with EI we focus on leveraging software engineering data within educational context to enhance and implement a feedback cycle for students and lecturers.

Key aspects of Project “Education Intelligence” include:

Screenshots & Images

We can provide a short visual overview of our prototype, showcasing its features and functionality. Built on Apache Superset, our prototype embodies Education Intelligence, offering intuitive data visualization and analytics capabilities.


Repository Statistics

One focus of the project is on repository-related data. The simplest form of this is an analysis of Commits over time.

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Similar as Project “Binocular”, the architecture is based on MSR principles. Since this project is not aimed at a single repository, but at the entirety of all projects in a semester, an ETL process (Extract-Transform-Load) was implemented with Python. The system is designed to collect, process, and analyze data from software repositories to extract meaningful insights about software development practices.

Components of the Architecture:

Further Readings

Again, please just refer to the “Further Readings” of Project “Binocular”

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